Saturday, December 6, 2008
Taaazaa Nilgiris
1. A smoke filled pub in the heart of Bangalore
2. An all-night celebrity show at a 5 star hotel in Chennai
3. The prestine cool slopes of the Nigiris
Well, unfortunately I have not added a check-box and a submit button against this question but I can hear you scream, threee!!!
The name 'Nilgiris' just does not bring to mind the serene mountains but to all Bangaloreans its the delicious pastries of Nilgiri's that immediately tickles the taste buds.
Imagine, come Christmas you pack your bags, slide into hiking shoes and head towards the mountains leaving behind the chaos of the cities and bike at your leisure, yes just tour around and not race across the beautiful bounties until you reach the next year. Sounds like a dream...? This exactly is what a bunch of friends are about to undertake.
The TOUR OF NILGIRIS (http://www.tourofnilgiris.com/)
Ranging from age as close as half a century to as low as 13, biking enthusiasts are getting together to make this dream come true. It's a merger of passion than skill as they range from regular busy engineers to reasearch scholars and even long distance cycling specialists. Despite their busy lives they've been working hard to train themselves to reach the finish line of this tour.
This little trip to some could be the beginning of a great journey towards bringing awareness to the couch potatoes about fitness and mother nature.
More such initiatives needs to be encouraged and publicized for the message to reach out loud and clear...It would be appropriate to say ...यह दिल मांगे more
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Time to discipline our bad old neighbour
Terrorist attacks within Pakistan has increased a lot since Musharaff's political graph turned south. Until then, he at least seemed to be in control of their private/unofficial army along with the official one. As long as the flow is controlled by a single tap there is always an opportunity to sometime shut the flooding. Now, it looks like the pipe line is leaking in many areas and is under high pressure - it's dangerous.
Terrorist attacks in India has increased to alarming proprtions. US has lost patience and intruded into Pakistan's space to flex their muscles. In my opinion it was a good opportunity for Indian diplomatic machinery to have worked with the US and jointly send a strong statement to Pakistan by simultaneously stepping into it's territory and demonstrating a short burst of fire works.
It's a known secret that the 'D' of the D-company who is needed for the biggest terror attack on us is in Pakistan. It is also suspected that the man in demand for the biggest terror attack of the only superpower too is hiding there. It gives a reason for us to work together and send a message to the people who help them.
I am not a war monger and I believe that war solves no problem but I also believe in disciplining my rogue brother with the required strong action. If the situation continues, it'll not be too long for Pakistan to become an extension of pre-9/11 Afghanistan and it is quickly moving in that direction.
Sunday, July 20, 2008
ABC of 123, Indo - US (-IAEA) nuclear deal
Why is this called the 123 agreement?
Section 123 of the United States Atomic Energy Act of 1954, titled "Cooperation With Other Nations", establishes an agreement for cooperation as a prerequisite for nuclear deals between the US and any other nation. Such an agreement is called a 123 Agreement.

1974, India conducted nuclear test for first time in Pokhran. Although the ripples of energy was well controlled, the political energy that followed affected the planet forever. India's nuclear test demonstarted that non-weapon nuclear technology could be readily turned to weapon development, this caused the nuclear super-powers to get together and create NSG-Nuclear Suppliers Group. Along with USSR, USA, China, France and UK, Japan and Canada were a part of the group/cartel. They provided guidelines to IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency-1957) for the export/import of nuclear technology to non-nuclear nations. Over years many nations have become members of NSG.
India's stance so far:
Since 1974, for decades India has managed and overcome pressure from the nuclear super powers to succumb to their NPT regime. India has been saying that it is unfair for the 'haves' to stop the 'have-nots' from acquiring nuclear power. It will be fair only if all work towards a complete non-nuclear (weapons) world.
Current situation:
India growing at a rate of about 8% per annum is in dire need of better infrastructure. Electricity, the basic need of industries is very much in short. With the soaring oil prices and speculated fossil fuel dry-up, it is time to think of a better energy source that is also not adding to global warming. The world says that as of now nuclear is the way to go. Though non-convetional and renewable energy is consdered the safest they are seen to be too expensive.
The agreement:
At a very high level as I understand as per the IAEA agreement India will have to declare and enlist the civilian nuclear installations it wants to be brought under the agreement. These installations will then be closely monitored for all the inputs that goes into it like the fuel and equipments being imported, consumed, disposed, transferred, etc. India is obliged to keep an account of all these and report back periodically. Nothing could move from the enlisted installations to a non-listed installation without IAEA's approval. Once this is agreed, the 45 and odd IAEA member countries and US's friends will be ready to ensure a constant supply of fuel for the listed installations and technology as needed.
The doubt:
India recently submitted a draft of the safeguard agreement (http://www.armscontrol.org/pdf/20080709_India_safeguards.pdf) to IAEA and its member's for review. India has raised the question of what if once the deal is done and there is for some reason no constant supply of fuel as agreed? A particular clause added by India has raised debate by members that it is unclear of what India means by saying "India may take corrective measures to ensure uninterrupted operation of its civilian nuclear reactors in the event of disruption of foreign fuel supplies."
IAEA says that the agreement must not be approached with doubt but with 'trust' which I think is quite applicable to IAEA on India too.
Though this is a question to be clarified before going ahead the agreement is seen to still have many loose ends that could be a trap into which India would fall if we are not clear about it. The questions being raised by the opposition (or the Left party who are opposing) are:
• In case the U.S. or other countries in the NSG renege on fuel supply assurances for imported reactors, will we have the ability to withdraw these reactors from IAEA safeguards?
• If U.S./NSG countries renege on fuel supply assurances, can we withdraw our indigenous civilian reactors from IAEA Safeguards?
• If we have to bring nuclear fuel from the non-safeguarded part of our nuclear programme for these reactors in case of fuel supply assurances not being fulfilled, will we have the ability to take it back again?
• What are the corrective steps that India can take if fuel supplies are interrupted by the U.S./NSG countries?
• What are the conditions that India will have to fulfill if the corrective steps are to be put into operation?
Other questions that needs to be known are:
- What if India for some reason breaks the agreement?
- 123 agreement will be withdrawn and the favors could be demanded to be returned back. Can India return the fuel and technology acquired until then? If the agreement fails, can it sustain the installations built purely depending on the IAEA supplies?
- Is this agreement a dolled-up version of NPT which India has consistently refused to sign since the 70s?
- By going for this is India about to hand over the control of its deterance to the west?
- With China being a part of the NSG and Pakistan a close ally of US, will this be a disaster?
There is a clause in the agreement:
- In the absence of these 'international cooperation arrangements', isn't the India-specific IAEA Safeguards agreement itself legally invalid?
- Wouldn't to vote on a nuclear deal without the above two crucial documents (the Additional Protocol and international cooperation agreements with key NSG members) be a charade?
There are many argument and counter-arguments about the effectiveness of nuclear energy. There are reports that shows that the number of nuclear power plant orders and proposals have dwindled. The majority of installations was between 60s and the 80s. Even US has not built a reactor in the recent past.
The environmental hazard and risk of human life is too high than any other option. Can India stand a Chernobyl?
Nuclear power currently accounts for 3.10% of our total energy output. If the 123 Agreement is signed, that figure will crawl up to 6% (around 16,000 mw) by 2020. (Remember: over 25% of India's power output is lost in transmission and distribution). In return for the miniscule accretion of 2.9% to India's total energy output over 12 years, is the country about to surrender its independent nuclear deterrent?
In particular the World Bank states:
"Bank lending for the energy sector requires a review of sector investments, institutions and policies. Nuclear plants in the power sector would not be economic; they are large white elephants".
The Asian Development Bank as a policy does not finance Nuclear power projects because of the political and safety risks involved.
The problems of reactor safety are three fold:
Reactors approaching the end of their design lives are a recognised hazard which is not being addressed.
The poor safety management appears to be endemic in some national industries and an ongoing problem.
The safety of current and future reactor designs cannot be demonstrated to the necessary degree given the serious consequences of a nuclear accident.
- Can India protect its installations from the constant and growing terrorist activities?
- Would more nuclear reactors mean more risk to human life in case of an accident given the population density of India which is very high compared to other nuclear nations?
- Have we done all the home-work ?
- Has Dr.Manmohan Singh and his coalition done all the home-work and research before passing the bill?
I personally feel that it would be useful to have more nuclear power plants but safety is the biggest concern.
If the government goes down fighting then the failure will be seen as one of the weaknesses of a coalition government whereas if the government gains majority and signs a deal which if is a sugar coated trap. The government will be remembered forever for the wrong reasons.
It is not at all an easy job but it is a responsibilty to be done well by whoever reached the seat by all means.
Monday, May 12, 2008
Eunuchs/transgenders - is it time to think about them?
'They say they cannot reproduce then how is their population growing?'
This is a nasty joke I saw in a TV show. Though nasty, it made me think for a while. Aren't they being discussed more nowadays? Aren't they spotted more in many places?
Most of us know them as people looking like men dressed in women's clothes who go around crowded streets demanding money. In some places they are hired to visit weddings and naming ceremonies of babies believing that their blessings brings good luck.
Generally, they are people who due to harmonal imbalance find it very difficult to know their sexual identity. When their physical appearance starts showing up they are chased away from home to avoid emarassment or run aways.
Looking back, world history has many transgender characters playing important roles in different civilizations like chinese, european and Indian. They were generally regarded as loyal and honest people because they cannot have biological heirs. Due to this they will not be impartial and greedy to plan to have a dynastic rule. They occupied posts close to the throne as ministers, doctors and personal assistants of the king and queens.
Is it time for us to give a serious thought on how to help this group?
We must admit that they are looked down in the society and denied (unofficially) equal opportunity in education and employment. But for a few exceptions who struggle against odds to live a dignified life, many live on prostitution and beggary. There are a few groups that fights for reservation in parliament. Ridiculous, they need help to first support themselves without begging and educate themselves which is when they will have a chance to be compared with the rest or understand if someone is using them.
Education: As we know, they are groups of adults (which ever gender it may be). So it begs better education for grown-ups which is neither 'education for the aged' nor primary (kids) school and it is difficult to put them in regular schools for obvious reasons. The challenge is, even for such good reasons if they are isolated for their improvement we will see politicians and activists mushrooming, even some of us here will open discussion threads saying it is discrimination, its a legacy of untouchability, etc, etc,...
Employment: Police force is a good suggestion. Why not defence and police force?
I agree that something needs to be done but I have a feeling that they have become lazy. When they could earn well for 2 claps why would they think of working hard. I am against beggars (young healthy ones) and this is nothing different. I've seen them being given Rs.5 for 2 claps in the signals, anything less they throw it on you. I know many of these groups live in good apartments in pretty good localities.
When migrant labourers from Bihar and orissa walk kilometers on the ring roads to do construction work every day they(Eunuchs)dress-up and run shifts to stand in the traffic signals and pool the collection to have a comfortable life.
Attempting a little calculation:
Assume Rs.5 for a vehicle, on an average say 5 vehicles per stop => 5*5= Rs.25 every 10 mins. Assume 10 of them per signal=> 25*10=Rs.250 per 10 mins => Rs.1500 per hour per batch. Assume one batch does a 4 hr shift per day=> 4*1500 => Rs.6,000 per batch per day. Assume 5 days per week considering traffic variations => 30,000 per week => 1,20,000 per 10 people per month => 12,000 monthly per head tax-free.
Reservation:We misused it earlier. Reservation is not the only way to bring equality. You cannot slow down the leaders for the trailers to catch-up. You must train and strengthen the weak ones to catch-up and beat them. This is the mistake happening now in the country.
Reservation with an expiry date is another option. Our reservation system or be it any other policy is brought in without dead lines so no one bothers to set targets on what is to be achieved by when, it's taken for granted.
I agree transgenders need help for better living and earning respect but not by reservation as we know it today.
Wednesday, January 2, 2008
New Year - 2008
I have resumed writing after 4 months. This is the time it takes for one to get an internet connection done in the Silicon valley of India. I realized that the so called 'city limits' does not mean the same for infrastructue yet. I had to deal with the state owned service provider (BSNL) pulling strings in vain just to realize that it would take more than 3 months to get a telephone cable laid in my street though they have about 100 applicants waiting in the same locality. Then I tried our modern private providers, Airtel, Reliance, et al and the responses were no different. At last, one of them was able to provide a wireless connection finally as I am in the 'city limits' ;)